150 Husband and Wife Tag Questions
At some point, we all get fascinated by the idea of finding out how well our partner knows us or the relationship. We are intrigued about discovering more about ourselves or how much the other person knows about us and our relationship. Playing tag with your spouse is one of the most fun ways of finding out how well you and your partner align on the basics. The tag also gives you an insight into how well or how correctly you both remember the details of your relationship. In a teasing and fun way, you both can add some spark and derive thrills about knowing some things better than the other half. In the end, if you win it, you might feel light-hearted self-satisfaction.
Tag involves one person throwing a bunch of questions at the husband or the wife. If it is the “Husband Tag,” then the questions are asked of the husband. Similarly, if it is the “Wife Tag,” then the wife is required to answer the questions. It is a perfect way of finding out who knows much about the relationship. It is a fun trivia bundled into an awareness session for both! Most couples feel that they should be married long enough to get through these questions. However, this is not at all true. It mainly depends upon your partner's wavelength and communication flow. On the flip side, it is also not true that not knowing anything about your partner is entirely wrong. It can always be a motivation factor to learn more and get into a deeper level of involvement with your partner.
We have compiled a bunch of questions to make the tag interesting, fun, and informative for you and your partner! By the end of this tag game, you will realize that there is so much that you still do not know about your partner, and there are so many habits of theirs that they never learned you are aware of. It will serve as an eye-opener for both of you!
- When did we first meet?
- Tell me about the first impression you had of me.
- Which qualities in me attracted you the most?
- When did you know I was the one?
- When did you first think of proposing?
- What did you think I would say?
- When do you think I fell in love with you?
- How did you propose it?
- Who was the first person you told about us?
- What did your friends say about me?
- Are we soulmates?
- Did you get cold feet before the wedding?
- What scares you the most about me?
- What is your biggest fear in this relationship?
- What is my worst habit?
- How long did it take to plan the wedding?
- How long have we been married?
- When did we plan our family?
- Do you like my cooking?
- Who cooks the best food?
- What do we argue about the most?
- Is there anything about us that you regret?
- What does my family think of you?
- What does my best friend thinks of you?
- What is my best habit?
- Have you ever lied to me?
- If you could throw away one belonging of mine, what would it be?
- Who is a better caregiver?
- What is the most romantic thing I have ever done for you?
- What is your idea of marital bliss?
- Who is an angrier person?
- Who is more romantic?
- Who is the funny one?
- Which friend of mine do you dislike?
- Who annoys you the most in my family?
- Who is a better parent?
- Who is more outgoing?
- What is your idea of a perfect Saturday night?
- Which place in the world do you want to travel to with me the most?
- In a marriage, what is non-negotiable?
- Who is more affectionate?
- What is the best gift I have ever given to you?
- What is the worst thing I have ever given to you?
- What am I the most passionate about?
- What is your favourite thing to do while spending time together?
- What is my favourite food?
- Which cuisine do I dislike the most?
- What is my favourite drink?
- What is my favourite holiday destination?
- What was our last argument about?
- Which sport am I good at?
- Am I a good video game partner?
- Do you like my taste in music?
- Do you like my driving?
- Do you like my dressing sense?
- Which TV show would you love watching with me?
- Name a movie I love
- Which movie would you want us to watch together?
- Name a book I love
- Do you think I possess any unique talents?
- Name my favourite restaurant
- Did you enjoy our first date?
- What is my favourite breakfast cereal?
- Where am I originally from?
- Describe our wedding cake?
- What was our first argument about?
- What was our first big fight about?
- What is my weirdest habit?
- What is my favourite color?
- Who is my favourite singer?
- Who is my favourite actor?
- What shoe size do I wear?
- What is that one thing that I can spend hours doing without getting bored?
- Who was the one to say I love you first?
- What is my most repeated phrase?
- Name one thing that I am really good at.
- Which qualities do I find most interesting in you?
- What attracted me the most about you?
- What do you think I am the most obsessed about?
- Which animals do I like the most?
- Am I a cat person or a dog person?
- Do I enjoy gardening?
- Do you find me to be a hygienic person?
- Do you think I am a cleanliness freak?
- Was I an obsessive bride/groom?
- When is our wedding anniversary?
- What is something I cannot live without?
- What scares me the most?
- What color are my eyes?
- When is my birthday?
- Do I like hiking?
- Is there anything you wish I did not do?
- What is my favourite ice cream flavour?
- What is my favourite pizza topping?
- Am I good with kids?
- Do your parents love me?
- Use one word to describe me.
- What is my most attractive feature?
- What is my best personality trait?
- Who is more argumentative?
- What is my nickname?
- Was I good at studying?
- Do I like math?
- Do I enjoy reading?
- What is my dream job?
- Do I like to travel?
- What do I like more, tea or coffee?
- Who is more dominant?
- Who is more likely to get jealous?
- Who is more possessive about the other?
- Which color looks the best on me?
- Am I a morning person or a night owl?
- Do I snore while sleeping?
- Do I enjoy long drives?
- What is my favorite city?
- Who is better at winning arguments?
- What is my favorite snack?
- Do I play any musical instrument?
- Am I a beach person?
- What was my first job?
- Which college did I attend?
- What was your proudest moment in our relationship?
- Who is more organized?
- Who rises earlier?
- Who is better at entertaining?
- What is your fondest memory of us?
- Who is better at house chores?
- Who is messier?
- Who is more social?
- Who is more likely to get lonely without the other?
- Who is more attached?
- What is my favourite car?
- Do I enjoy adventure sports?
- Who was more popular in college?
- What is your favourite picture of me?
- Who dresses up better?
- Who is better at keeping secrets?
- Who is more punctual?
- Who is the loudest?
- Who sings better?
- Who writes better?
- Who is more expressive?
- Who remembers all the occasions?
- Who enjoys clubbing the most?
- Who is better at making friends?
- Who was my first celebrity crush?
- Who is my best friend?
- How many children do you think I want?
- What would I name our first boy?
- What would I name our first girl?
Tag is one of the best revealing games you can play with your partner. However, do not get upset if your partner does not answer any of these questions correctly. There is a lifetime ahead for you both to learn and know more about one another!