5 Myths About Your Honeymoon

5 Myths About Your Honeymoon

There are many things that you hear over the years as to how your honeymoon should be. Well, that is not always true. There are many things that you hear that are not true at all. Your honeymoon should be how you want it to be and where you want it to be. There are no rules to honeymoons. As long as you and your significant other enjoy the time you had that is all that should matter during this occasion.

1.    Honeymoons have to be expensive - This myth is by far, the most common things couples hear from many people. No. Your honeymoon does not have to cost you a fortune. Depending on where you are going and what time of year you wish to go will help you to save money and have the honeymoon of your dreams. There is not minimum amount of money that you and your significant other must spend so make a budget and have fun. This also means that you do not have to travel to a far-off, exotic destination for your honeymoon. Some of the best honeymoons can be just a few short hours from where you live.


2.    Your honeymoon should be the best holiday of your life - This is also false. If you and your spouse set out on your honeymoon to have the best time of your life, you will be disappointed. Your honeymoon should be exciting and full of experiences but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be the best holiday you will ever experience. You are setting yourself up for failure with this logic. Many other holidays will be better than your honeymoon because of the people that you will be with and the experiences that you might find. Enjoy your honeymoon but do not try to have your honeymoon best the best holiday you will ever have together.


3.    You should spend all of your time with your spouse no matter what - Everyone needs their space. Even if it is on your honeymoon, you both are honeymooning to get peace and quiet and to relax. If this means that you need alone time and your spouse needs alone time, that is perfectly fine. You will have the rest of your life to be together. Let each other have their space and respect that decision.


4.    No electronics - This is not practical at all. Especially if you are a working person with clients who need to get in touch with you. Of course you should not be on your phone or laptop constantly, but if you check your messages once or twice a day while honeymooning you will be okay. Nothing is more stressful than coming back from your honeymoon to find a full inbox. If you must get in touch with someone that, and it is business related, try to limit the amount of time you spend on the electronic device.


5.    You only get one honeymoon - There is no reason for you and your significant other to not plan another honeymoon with each other. Your honeymoon does not have to be a one-time occurrence. You can have as many honeymoons as you want. These are just vacations that you wish to have with your significant other to keep the romance in the relationship and to continue exploring destinations you want to visit.

There are many other myths about honeymoons out there but if you understand why these myths are false, you can come to your own conclusions as to why the other myths are false as well. The bottom line, enjoy your honeymoon and have the trip that you want where you want. Do not let others dictate how you should spend your time with your significant other.