50+ Wedding Trivia Questions with Answers
A trivia quiz is a fun thing to do with your friends and family. Many couples want their big day to be unique and out of the box. Unlike traditional weddings, fun-loving couples seek to do something new and exciting on their big day. For those, a wedding trivia quiz is one of the excellent options. Hosting a trivia quiz on the big day will entertain your guests and keep them hooked up.
Wedding trivia questions will break the ice and make them start the chat. And the best part is they will take home something as a token of your love and gratitude. Wedding trivia questions may be about wedding customs or the bride and groom. It is your preference what you choose to make your big day more entertaining and memorable. The wedding trivia quiz shows how closely the guests will know about the bride and groom.
You can also make bride and groom trivia questions and ask them separately. This will tell how much they know each other. The answer will bring fun and laughter, which make your big day grand. Remember to make some little gifts for the winners. This will show your love and care for your guests. Here, we share 50+ Wedding Trivia Questions with Answers that help you make your wedding trivia quiz.
Bride and Groom Trivia Questions
These bride and groom trivia questions will entertain your guests. And make them curious to know what is the correct answer. Here are some good bride and groom trivia questions that help to make your wedding trivia quiz.
- What does the couple release during a traditional Filipino wedding ceremony
Answer: Two doves.
- In a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride and groom take three sips of a beverage for good luck. Which drink is it?
Answer: Sake
- The bride and groom must display this ability during a traditional German wedding ceremony. What is it?
Answer: Their ability to cut a log in half with a saw.
- What does the groom give to his mother-in-law in a traditional Korean wedding?
Answer: A wild goose.
- A day before the wedding ceremony, the Scots take the bride and groom out to cover them in two things. What are they?
Answer: Treacle and feathers.
- After their wedding, when the couple is leaving the village. What does the father-of-the-bride do at a traditional wedding in Kenya?
Answer: Spits on her head and chest.
- The bride carries two bouquets in a traditional Mexican wedding. For whom is the second one?
Answer: The Virgin Mary.
- In which country is the bride painted white from head to toe on the wedding day?
Answer: Japan.
- What must the bride wear at a Russian wedding?
Answer: A veil.
- How many bands must a bride wear on her wedding day in Sweden?
Answer: Three.
- What accessories did Victorian brides in America wear with their wedding gowns?
Answer: Gloves.
- In which country do the bride's friends plant a tree in her new home and decorate it with ribbons and painted eggshells?
Answer: Czech Republic.
- In which country did the Tradition of a bride wearing a white gown on the wedding day begin?
Answer: France. Though Queen Victoria was one to make it mainstream.
- The bride wears a crown or a wreath in Switzerland. What does it signify?
Answer: Maidenhood.
Some more bride and groom trivia questions
- Which country's brides used to wear a red or yellow veil to signify fire?
Answer: Greece.
- In which country will you hear the bride's ring be called a Claddagh ring?
Answer: Ireland.
- Which country has an old tradition in which the bride and groom sneak out of the reception without saying goodbye?
Answer: Venezuela.
- Why does the bride throw her bouquet at an American wedding?
Answer: The woman who catches the bouquet is supposed to get married next.
- What is the reason behind the veil that brides us to cover their face?
Answer: To avoid the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding.
- In an American Wedding, the bride has to carry something old. Why is something old chosen?
Answer: Connect the bride's remains with her family and past.
- Where do the brides wear their garter?
Answer: On their right leg, slightly above the knee.
- Why do brides stand on the groom's left side, as per wedding traditions?
Answer: So that the groom can protect her with her right arm.
- Why does the groom throw the bride's garter to the crowd at an American wedding?
Answer: To keep the guests from tearing off parts of the bride's wedding dress.
Funny Wedding Trivia Question
Wedding is one of the oldest events of the human age. There are many wedding customs and trivia in the world. Some countries have the same wedding customs and traditions. Here, we share some funny and exciting wedding trivia questions that may help to make your wedding trivia quiz.
- What gift do the parents of the newly wedded couple bring a good luck gift to the couple's home in a traditional South African wedding?
Answer: Fire from their own fireplaces.
- In a traditional wedding in France, the young couple needs to eat leftovers out of what?
Answer: A toilet bowl.
- What do the guests need to hold in their hands during the old traditional Australian wedding ceremony?
Answer: Stones.
- How long does a traditional Moroccan wedding last?
Answer: Between four and seven days.
- What is the color of happiness used in a traditional Chinese wedding?
Answer: Red.
- This country's wedding reception features a special cake called kransakaka. Which country is it?
Answer: Iceland.
- In which country would you pay for a traditional musical wedding march called Zaffa?
Answer: Egypt.
- A girl marrying in Spain will likely choose which flower for her wedding day?
Answer: Orange blossom.
- In which country do people wear wedding rings on their right hand?
Answer: Chile.
- What has been placed at the top of the cake in Bermuda?
Answer: A tiny sapling.
- In which country will you find a tradition of a Priest blessing a plate of coins during the wedding ceremony to give to the groom?
Answer: Puerto Rico.
- In which country does the mother escort the groom and the father escort the bride down the aisle?
Answer: Argentina.
- In which country is an arch of pine branches built at the front of the bride's family home before her wedding?
Answer: Denmark.
- On which Pacific island does the groom traditionally give a gift to the bride's father?
Answer: Fiji.
Here are some more fantastic wedding trivia questions for your quests
- In which country is traditionally a pinata hanging from the roof during the wedding?
Answer: Mexico.
- Why is the diamond engagement ring or wedding band traditionally placed on the left hand's third finger?
Answer: The connection from the heart between the bride and groom.
- What does the rose represent in an American wedding?
Answer: Love
- Why do some American couples freeze the top of their wedding cake?
Answer: It will bring wealth and children to the couple.
- Which city in the USA is known as the marriage capital of the world?
Answer: Las Vegas, Nevada.
- What does the flower girl do at an American wedding?
Answer: She throws petals before the bride as she walks down the aisle.
- When did a tradition for celebrating a Bachelor's party on the eve of a wedding begin?
Answer: A tradition of the Bachelor's party started from the military send-off.
- Is polygamy legal in the USA?
Answer: No.
- What is a gift on a 45th wedding anniversary?
Answer: A Saphire clip.
- Which item represents the ninth year of the wedding?
Answer: Pottery.
- Which wedding year is represented by fruits and flowers?
Answer: Fourth.
- When will you gift a new deck on the house?
Answer: On the 42nd anniversary.
- Which wedding year is represented by the leather?
Answer: Third.
- Which gemstone represents the 32nd year of marriage?
Answer: Lapis Lazuli.
- What is the symbol of the 36th wedding anniversary?
Answer: Bone China
- Which wedding year is represented by platinum?
Answer: 70th.
- On which wedding anniversary was a gift made from wood presented to the partner?
Answer: Fifth anniversary.
- Musical instruments symbolize which year of the wedding?
Answer: 24th year.