Honeymoon in Dubai, Destination Guide

Honeymoon in Dubai, Destination Guide

Dubai is a great place for couples to enjoy their honeymoon vacation. The location is very romantic, and the atmosphere is relaxing. However, like all countries that you will vacation to, there are risks to traveling to various locations. Crime rates and activities that are present in that location are risky and the weather during that time of year can also be risky. It is important that you research your honeymoon destination and familiarize yourself with the area before you arrive. There are always risks to traveling but is you know what to expect you, and your spouse will be just fine.

Weather and What to Wear

Dubai is one of the hottest vacation destinations in the world. The sub-tropical climate spreads across two seasons; the summer and the winter seasons. Summers in Dubai begin in April and last until October. During these seasons, extreme heat and humidity are present in Dubai. April is the moth where visitors see the average high temperature as 99 degrees Fahrenheit, and throughout June to October, the temperatures are usually in the 104 degrees Fahrenheit range. Between May and early July, sandstorms can affect Dubai.

Rainfall is more prevalent in the cooler months and very irregular. During November and December, Dubai experiences increased rainfall and is enhanced as January and February roll around. January and February are the wettest months of the year. The temperatures remain around 68 degrees Fahrenheit, and can drop to about 59 degrees. Winter in Dubai occurs between January and March and regardless of the potential rains, the country still sees approximately 8 hours of sunshine a day. Winter is considered to be the big tourist season for Dubai; however, this is a great location for any time of the year.

Crime Level

Like all destinations in the world, there are risks when traveling to a location that you are not familiar with, especially in certain areas of the destination. Dubai is rated a Medium threat by the State Department. The crime rate in Dubai is considerably lower than that of other locations throughout the world. Dubai is sensitive to maintain a safe and secure public image. The majority of the crimes that are reported in Dubai are from areas of lower income residents and temporary laborers from other countries. The majority of the crimes that were reported include petty theft, fighting or public intoxication, sexual harassment, and rare incidents of violent assault. Just like any other country that you visit, it is important to research the items that you are allowed to possess while visiting here and which items you cannot. This information could save you a trip to jail and a fine when honeymooning.

Must Dos

1.    Explore Old Dubai - if you and your spouse want to experience the heritage of Dubai and the traditions of the locals in the area, a great place to visit is Old Dubai. Here is where visitors can explore traditional buildings in a unique atmosphere through the remaining pockets of Old Dubai.

2.    Dress respectfully - women should avoid wearing revealing clothing as this location deems that attire as disrespectful especially in busy areas. While wearing a swim suit is acceptable, wearing revealing swimwear on beaches or on the streets is inappropriate. It is also frowned upon for males to wander the streets topless as well. Revealing attire is not only disrespectful to local culture, but it is also illegal in Dubai.

3.    Keep calm - in the streets of Dubai, you may encounter some locals show aggressive behavior towards you in the form of verbal altercations, do not come back and be disrespectful verbally or begin a physical altercation. If you continue with this behavior, you may find yourself in legal trouble and maybe even deported from the country.

Must Nots

1.    No public display of affection - in Dubai, there are a number of actions that couples do that are not accepted in society there. Even though you are on your honeymoon, holding hands, hugging or kissing in public areas is considered offensive and a public indecency. It is highly recommended that you keep your hands to yourself during your stay in Dubai.

2.   Don’t take photos without permission - even though you and your spouse are excited about exploring a new country, be mindful of what you photograph. If you are taking photos of the locals, be sure to ask permission before you do so. The locals that wear traditional dress can easily take offense to photos without their permission, especially women.

3.    Stay away from cheap desert tours - many tourists visiting Dubai book a desert tour as the first activity on their list of things to do. There have been reports of visitors booking a tour and find that the camels seem to be treated poorly. If you are unsure about the tour, ask questions. If you still do not feel like this tour will give you the experience you are looking for, look around for another tour that is offered.

Overall Opinion

Dubai is a great place to travel for your honeymoon. This location is very romantic and beautiful. Many things are offered in Dubai, and you will surely have a great time. You will experience many different things, but if you are not careful with what may be normal for you, you could find yourself in trouble with local authorities.  Do your research with your spouse and understand the rules and regulations that are enforced in this area. Avoid confrontations and be sure to take advantage of all the activities you can when visiting. Keep your smarts about you and use common sense when interacting with the locals. They are not bad people; however, as everywhere in the world there are some bad apples in the bunch. Do your research and get an idea of what to expect when visiting Dubai. Stay away from anything that could potentially cause local law enforcement to become involved and have a great time with your new spouse.

Prices Range From

There are many all-inclusive deals that you and your spouse can take advantage of for your honeymoon in Dubai. Depending on the location within Dubai and the resort or hotel you choose to stay, prices for your trip will vary. If you decide to skip the all-inclusive deals, your honeymoon price tag may be a little more than you anticipated for your honeymoon. Using a trip advisor can help you find the best prices for your trip and could save you hundreds on this special occasion. Do your research and be sure that you are getting what you pay for when it comes to hotels and resorts in Dubai. Consider traveling during the off season as well to save even more.